Audiences love Little Red Riding Hood at the Swan Theatre!

19 December 2023

This year Worcester Theatres (Swan Theatre, Huntingdon Hall) are running a smaller scale studio show alongside their popular pantomime at the Swan Theatre, and the feedback has been amazing so far. Little Red Riding Hood is a family show specifically designed for younger children who may not be ready for the big panto (oh no they’re not), still with all the bits we love like the great music and audience participation, but in a more relaxed environment.

Little Red Riding Hood is another Worcester Theatres in house production by the Worcester Rep Company, directed by Owen Harper, written by Aaron Corbett with music by Scott Dugdale. In this adaptation of the classic children’s fairytale, we first meet storytellers and friends Jim and Jen who narrate the story, whilst also trying to prank each other much to the enjoyment of the audience. We then meet ‘Red’ and follow her on her journey through the forest as she makes her way to Granny’s house, meeting all kinds of wonderful characters along the way. Such as a funny Fox who has everything you could possibly need in his shop, a brilliant Beaver who LOVES berries and of course the Big Bad Wolf.

All the characters are played by two actors, Holly Alanna Williams and Aaron Corbett, who seamlessly jump in and out of these larger-than-life characters delighting both children and adults. The original songs are wonderfully written and there’s lots of opportunities to sing along, whether you’re big or small, and at only £5 per ticket this show is incredible value for money.

Here’s what some audiences have said so far:

“Really enjoyed this today! Our favourite was The Big Bad Wolf!”

“My little girl loved it! Thank you”

“We came today to see your show and we LOVED it! Absolutely loved the songs and the two actors are brilliant. Thanks for this magical fairy tale”

“The two actors in the cast were fabulous. They did a great job of entertaining the adults as well as the little ones.” 

“The show was perfect for children aged 3 to 5 with singing, dancing and audience participation. It was wonderful value for money”

So, if you’re looking for an inexpensive treat with the little ones this Christmas that isn’t too overwhelming for them, then look no further. Little Red Riding Hood is only running for a short time, with the last performances on Christmas Eve, so don’t miss this wonderful example of Children’s theatre at the Swan Theatre.