Swan Theatre | Swan Studio

Gxrls on Fire

Every Thurdsay from 15 - 29th August 2024 - 3pm - 7pm


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Gxrls on Fire




Are you looking for an opportunity to meet like-minded gxrls, where you can talk about the things that are important to you, have some fun and gain a bit of confidence along the way? Gxrls on Fire will take place across 3 Thursdays in August, and each one will be focused on a different activity/goal. From creating and solving your own murder mysteries to holding an all-female presidential debate, these afternoons are designed to give gxrls aged 14-18 a chance to come together and take part in something exciting.

Join us for an afternoon packed with opportunities to nurture your curiosity, spark your creativity and empower your voice! We hope you’ll leave feeling inspired, enlightened, bold and brave.

The group will get together on 15th, 22nd and 29th August at the Swan Theatre, Worcester from 3pm – 7pm, and drinks and snacks will be provided. Each session is completely free, and you do not have to commit to all three unless you would like to, though we do ask that you book your place in advance so the appropriate amount of food can be prepared. If you have any dietary requirements or questions about Gxrls on Fire, what to bring, what to expect, then please get in touch with our friendly Outreach team via [email protected] who will be happy to help.

Make new friends, unleash your creativity and remember, there is nothing more powerful than a Gxrl on Fire!


Swan Studio


The Moors

Tel No:

01905 611 427

Swan Theatre